
Things to Do When You Are Extremely Bored

Boredom is the absolute WORST. I don't know about anyone else, but boredom can leave me feeling very depressed and unproductive - like I am wasting precious time in my life. Now don't get me wrong, sometimes it's great to just do nothing, but I hate the feeling of not knowing what to do with myself. I thought I'd share some of my favorite ways to beat that boredom, especially now that many of us are spending a lot more time at home and have more time on our hands due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

1. Color

I recently got into a coloring craze a week ago amidst finding something to do in the afternoon, and I am hooked. There is something so satisfying about giving a picture some vibrant color, and it is oh so relaxing to methodically fill the page with strokes of marker or colored pencil. Personally, I love using markers to color because I find them more satisfying to work with, but honestly use whatever coloring tool you have the most fun with. A lot of times, I will turn on one of my favorite shows in the background while I'm coloring to amplify the comfort of my environment too.

2. Exercise 

Exercise is a great way to boost your mood and spend that weird time of day where you feel like you have nothing to do. A lot of times when my boredom brings my mood down, I will workout to fight that feeling, and I can truly say that exercise has done wonders to uplift my spirit. I know it is hard to get motivated to exercise, but all it takes is a little push at the beginning to get out of your slump and move your body - trust me, you will thank yourself later when you are refreshed and no longer bored with nothing to do.


There are plenty of apps to help keep you moving in a way that is both fun and motivating. Personally, I am in love with the Nike Training Club app, which is offering a free Premium subscription for all users during the COVID-19 outbreak. This app is full of workouts for all different levels that will keep you challenged and engaged - definitely check this one out! Also, there are countless of exercise videos on Youtube that are completely free, so get moving!

3. Create a Blog!

I may be biased here (given that I have a blog myself), but blogs are a great way to spend your time in a productive way that allows you to spread your creativity and knowledge in a fun manner. Setting up a blog does take some time and thinking, so when you find yourself with time on your hands, it is a perfect way to spend the day, especially if you are looking for something to do that will make you feel productive while having fun with expressing yourself. A blog can be on anything and everything - it is totally up to you. This is definitely a great option for those who are passionate and like to write.

4. Meditate

When you are bored, sometimes you feel like doing nothing or don't have the energy to do something big, and that's okay! That doesn't mean you have to waste the day away. Meditation is a great way to spend time if you have low energy or just want to center in. It will leave you rested and rooted in understanding yourself.


There are many Youtube videos and apps with guided mediation to aid you in centering inward, and these are especially helpful when you are having trouble staying focused and clearing your mind. However, mediation can also come in the form of attempting to clear your mind of any worrisome thoughts and instead let your mind bring you to a place, memory, or moment where you feel swept away with glee or peace. In whatever way you approach meditation, you will be using your time to get to know yourself better and feel renewed, and I would say that leads to a very productive day!