
Here Are My Favorite Date Ideas. Feel Free to Steal Them.

When you're in a relationship, it's super easy to fall into the same-old routine. And busy schedules don't make things any easier. That's why my boyfriend (Paul) and I always make sure to fit in regular dates every month. We choose activities that make sense for our schedule, budget, and current situation, so there's always a way to spend time with each other, no matter how crazy life gets. That said, here are some of my favorite date ideas to inspire you and your significant other to break out of the same-old dinner and a movie routine.

For the bookworm: visit a bookstore or library

The literary gene in me makes this one of my favorite dates ever, and it never gets old. There are so many beautiful libraries and bookstores that have yet to be discovered by you and your significant other. If you are in the Boston area, check out Beacon Hill Books. Along with a great selection, this quaint bookstore holds three stories of classic Beacon Hill charm, and it has its own cafe and tea room. Just be prepared for crowds, and make a reservation long in advance if you want to stay for tea.


The Boston Atheneum is another hidden gem that makes a great date day. Tickets for a tour are only $15, and you get to explore more than just the first floor that is open to the public. With over 500,000 books in its collection, the Atheneum is also the home of George Washington's personal book collection and the first set of encyclopedias. It also boasts a wide collection of art work.


Wherever we decide to entertain our literary muse, we always like to stop for a warm beverage or grab a bite to eat, so we always end the day feeling full, happy, and inspired.

For the animal lover: take a trip to the zoo

What better way to spend time together than cuddling with cute animals and learning about the unique species that live among us. In the warmer months, the zoo is a good option for a day trip on a budget. Many libraries offer discounted tickets for zoos in the area that you can reserve in advance. Not only will you learn a lot, but the zoo is a great place for a photo op with some furry friends. And if you're lucky, you might just find your new favorite animal.

For the ocean enthusiast: spend the day at the aquarium

Like the zoo, many libraries also offer discounted tickets to aquariums, giving you yet another budget-friendly date idea that offers a unique experience. From penguins to 100-year-old sea turtles to sting rays and reef sharks that you can actually touch, the aquarium is a wonderful way to learn more about and interact with the big blue world. The best part: enjoying it all with your loved one.


We love visiting the New England Aquarium. In addition to the many amazing exhibits, it is located in the heart of Boston, so your date doesn't have to end when you've finished scoping out the aquarium. Keep the day or night going by strolling through the city and visiting shops and restaurants.

For the quarantined: set up a virtual game night

The worst thing ever is when you plan to spend time with your S.O. and one of you falls ill last minute. Especially if you don't live together, you feel like you're missing out on quality time together. Many a time has this happened to us, but we've found ways to still make our night special by adjusting our activities to be online. One idea that can be easily transferred online is playing a game of "How well do you know each other." You can purchase many such games off of amazon or at stores like HomeGoods or TJ Maxx, or you can find plenty of questions online. Put each other to the test. It'll start lots of discussions, and maybe you'll even find out something new about each other. 


In addition to these sorts of games, we also love to pull up the digital whiteboard feature and just draw. Sometimes the simple things are the best, and our drawings can attest to that.

For the competitive spirit: challenge each other to a round of mini golf

Mini golf is always our Fourth of July tradition when we venture down to Cape Cod, but who says you can't play on any regular day? It's the perfect way to bring out each other's competitive side and see who will reign as the champion of the course once and for all.

For the sweet tooth: go on an ice cream run

One of our favorite nighttime activities is taking a spontaneous trip to get ice cream. And at Richardson's Farm in Middleton, MA, you can also make friends with a goat or two while savoring your sweet treat. Just make sure they don't steal your cone from you! It's a green flag when your s.o. takes you out to ice cream. Add petting cute goats on top of it, and you've got yourself a keeper!

For the history buff: visit Concord, MA

Concord, MA is full of history, cute shops, cafes, and restaurants. There are also some great trails throughout the town, so you can actually walk in the footsteps of the Revolutionary War. One day spent here, and you'll stumble upon vast libraries and museums, Louisa May Alcott's house, and the graves of some of the most esteemed writers. It's romantic, historic, and a literary-lover's wonderland.