
My Journey Creating the Delta Dental 2023 Campaign

One of my first major projects at CTP (and one of my most memorable) was the Delta Dental of Massachusetts 2023 campaign. I first began working on this project when I was an intern and finished it when I was a full-time hire as a Junior Copywriter. That said, this campaign was a long, detailed process, but being along for the journey every step of the way made it that much more meaningful.

Delta Dental's "Express Your Health" campaign from 2022 responded to the Massachusetts ballot question about dental insurance providers giving a higher percentage of revenue from premiums to patient care. The question stirred quite a bit of negativity towards dental insurance companies, who were viewed as being money-hungry. In response to this situation, Delta Dental was in need of a campaign to show that they, as a dental insurance company, were in complete support of putting patients first and encouraging them to take care of their oral health -- to express their health in their own unique way.


The outcome of the campaign was quite positive, leading us to extend the campaign into 2023. That's when I came in. As a part of the creative team, I helped bring the "Express Your Health" story to life in a slightly different way than before. Rather than just focusing on mouths, we zoomed out. We wanted to show the varying ways people express their own health through various activities that are unique to them. Focusing on action and taking action. 

This campaign really was a passion project for me, and is basically the perfect representation of this blog. Not only was I writing copy for ads across various media platforms, but I also appeared in many of the ads as a dancer. Writing and dance: my two favorite things in the world, all in one campaign. Not too shabby.

This recyclable container (or trash can) ad was placed throughout Boston. It's the best example of how I was able to showcase both my dance and writing expertise, as I both appeared in the ad as a dancer and wrote the headline.

The experience I gained, the people I met, the work I produced. It all made for a wonderful journey that will stick with me for the rest of my career. Never have I been so sure that this is what I want to do with my life.


But let's be real, probably the most important thing that came out of this campaign was improving my own flossing habits. No cavities here!